Who Is Emily’s Best Love Interest in Emily In Paris?


Paris: The City of Love. But are all the boys on this show worth Emily’s time? With season four of Emily In Paris finally arriving on Netflix, it’s time to talk about each of Emily’s love interests and decide who is the best boyfriend on the show.

Doug, The Short-Lived Chicago Boyfriend

To be honest, this author forgot this man ever existed. The series starts out with Emily in a long-term relationship with Doug, played by Roe Hartrampf. Other than his short-lived role in season one, there isn’t much we know about Doug, other than his apprehension to Emily moving to Paris for her career. Not supporting your girlfriend’s dreams? Major red flag. With that, Doug is taking the gold as the worst love interest on the show.

Timothee, Camille’s Seventeen-Year-Old Brother

It’s no secret that Emily and cool girl Camille have had a rocky friendship throughout the show. What could make it even more awkward? Emily hooking up with Camille’s youngest brother, played by Victor Meutelet. In season 1, episode 8, Camille invites Emily to her lavish house in the French countryside. Camille raves about her business school brother to Emily and the sparks are mutual when Emily and Timothee meet. After the two share a night together, Emily finds out this was not the brother Camille had in mind for Emily. Camille’s business school, age-appropriate brother comes to breakfast and Emily is horrified to learn she hooked up with Camille’s youngest brother. Did someone say awkward? Let’s forget this ever happened.

Mathieu Cadault, The Suave Businessman

Another fizzled out season one love interest is Mathieu Cadault, played by Charles Martins. Even though Emily swore this was a professional relationship, given that Mathieu is the heir to one of Emily’s biggest clients, the two end up making out in the season one finale and planning an extravagant trip to Saint-Tropez. However, tall, dark, and handsome still never stood a chance against the top two love interests for Emily.

Alfie, The Lovely London Boy

Now we’re talking! After ups and downs with Gabriel and kissing a bunch of frogs, it seemed like Emily finally had it all with Alfie, played by Lucien Laviscount. After meeting in a French class they both were required to take for work, Emily and Alfie started out as enemies. However, Emily won Alfie over and showed him just how beautiful the city of love was. The two quickly fell head over heels for one another, and it seemed like Alfie was the real deal for Emily. Alas, Emily just couldn’t shake her love for Gabriel. I’m still holding out hope on these two!

Gabriel, The French Chef Who Stole Emily’s Heart

From the start, it’s been clear that Emily’s heart will always belong to Gabriel, played by Lucas Bravo. After accidentally walking into his apartment in the pilot episode, Emily and Gabriel were instantly smitten with one another, and it’s clear that Lily Collins and Bravo have great screen chemistry with each other. The only problem? Gabriel was taken, and dating one of Emily’s only Parisian friends, Camille. This will-they-won’t-they bit went on and on until the two finally kissed and spent the night together. However, reality set in and Emily realized she had betrayed Camille. When Camille figured out what they had done, Emily stopped at nothing to win her friend back, and that resulted in her losing Gabriel. Gabriel and Camille get back together, but they’re far from happy. In the season three finale, audiences think that Emily and Gabriel might finally get to be together, when a major bombshell drops: Camille is pregnant, and Gabriel is seemingly the father.

Will these two ever get their happily ever after together? Let’s hope we finally find out in season four of Emily In Paris which is streaming now on Netflix.

Ally Bonsall

Pop Culture Planet contributor Ally Bonsall is a dedicated pop-culture fanatic with a passion for all things film and television. Whether she’s binge-watching the latest television series, catching the newest releases at the movie theater, or interviewing industry talent, Ally is always eager to share her opinions and excitement with the world.


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