Drama Unfolds In Bel-Air Season 3 Premiere


We're back in Bel-Air for the summer, following our very own Fresh Prince as he finally finds his stride in the big city of Los Angeles. After two seasons of feeling lost, being guarded, dealing with heavy emotions, and discovering himself and his dreams, Will (Jabari Banks) has turned his Bel-Air escape into his home. Philly will never leave his heart, but he sees now that his future holds options. We all know Will’s story, but seeing it realized in a drama makes it feel more real. That’s what I love about this series — it shows us the power of storytelling: the same origins, but different paths.

We’re back with the first three episode of Bel-Air season 3, which finds Will living his best life. The sun is shining, he’s walking with confidence, he’s built a community, he has his dream girl, and he's chasing his ambitions. But with options come choices and challenges, and Will still needs to figure out what he wants his future to look like. He now sees more for himself than just basketball. He’s looking for opportunities to invest in his financial future. Running into his father Lou (Marlon Wayans) — who once shared his basketball dream but is now working at a barbershop in the same city — forces Will to confront his life and realize he wants more than to settle, as he feels his father did.

Speaking of Will and Lou, I’m hoping to see more of their relationship — not because it’s in a good place, but because it’s so bad that the story could be powerful. I hope it’s not just a simple tale of forgiveness and reconciliation. Pain is pain and I’d be okay with seeing Will cut ties with his father, depending on how Lou approaches their relationship. The truth is Will's relationship with his father is the driving force behind many of his decisions and fears. Growth in that area would mean true growth for Will.

And while we’re on the topic of growth, let’s talk about Carlton (Olly Sholotan). He seems to have a possible redemption arc coming, but, as we know, that doesn’t always last long with him. He’s back from rehab with a new love interest. It’s obviously hard on the family to find a dynamic, especially with Ashley, who he has a lot of rebuilding to do with. Carlton was a superhero to her, but now he’s just a reminder that their life — their family — is a lie built on a façade. Carlton is finding himself, but the most beautiful thing that comes out of this is his relationship with Will. Will is his biggest support and greatest friend, and while their relationship will always be complicated, they’re learning to see the world through each other's eyes more often. They have an unbreakable bond, which leads them to starting their own business, which they are calling "Blackcess." These actors do a great job bouncing off each other. Their relationship continuously feels fresh, vulnerable, and raw.

On the other hand, Aunt Viv (Cassandra Freeman) and Uncle Phil (Adrian Holmes) are a bit of a hot mess. The actors work well together and they truly feel like they have history and passion, but the force that is Phil and Viv is dying. They’ve fully allowed the mess of their lives to consume them and we’re watching as their relationship slowly falls apart. I’m not convinced this is the end for them. They’re resilient and chemistry with other people might only make them realize their love for each other. It’s a typical love story, but I could be wrong. Still, imagine breaking up these icons permanently. It feels like that’s against the rules, but it would make for great TV!

As for Jazz (Jordan L. Jones) and Hilary (Coco Jones), we have no idea what’s going on there. We all know her relationship with DeMarcus is just her way of trying to leave Jazz in the past, but it doesn’t seem like he’s going anywhere. Jazz and Hilary just aren’t right for each other right now. They want different things and they both have a lot of growing up to do. Hilary can let her work consume her and Jazz’s pride is his greatest enemy. Even though they shared a kiss, I’m not convinced this is a relationship worth fighting for. While I love both of these characters and want them both to be happy, I’m not seeing this as endgame. But who knows? One kiss is all is takes, but, with DeMarcus most recent accident, I don’t think we will be seeing Jazz and Hilary rekindling anytime soon.

If there’s one person we should be on the look out for this season, it’s Ashley. She has a lot to say, whether it’s about Carlton’s slippery slope, her family’s lies, or Hilary’s relationship with Jazz and DeMarus. I think we’re about to see our girl come into her own — she’s a rapper now, oh? Let It Shine fans should’ve caught that reference!

Life in Bel-Air might seem blissful, but with less layering and more time at home, these characters are about to face reality and redefine themselves. It seems everyone is having their make it or breakit moment.

Bel-Air season 3 is streaming now on Peacock every Thursday.

Makkedah Ramsey

Makkedah Ramsey, a content creator, entertainment enthusiast, and student mentor, is currently pursuing her Bachelor's in Journalism with a minor in Communications at Baruch College. You can find her on TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram, where she explores her interests and shares her life with the world. Makkedah enjoys binge-watching TV shows, rewatching the entire Marvel catalog, filming, and editing. As a passionate student dedicated to connecting with others and sharing her journey through storytelling, she strives to inspire and uplift her audience.


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